Starrett has updated their pricing, effective 1/2/25.
Dorian Tool Price Update
Dorian Tool has updated their pricing, effective 1/1/25.
Dorian Tool Price Update (MRG style toolders)
Dorian Tool has updated their pricing on MRG style toolholders, effective 9/1/24.
Rep Checklist - What to Look For in a Rep
If you're a manufacturer looking to partner with an independent representative, there are a few green flags to keep in mind. Our checklist below details some of the most important characteristics for a good rep to have - how many does your rep check off?
The Role of a Rep Visualized
Are you a manufacturer looking to grow your sales in the industrial sector? Are you dreading the time and monetary cost of breaking into new territories? Are you just not sure where to go from here? Check out our video below!
We've broken down the role of a manufacturer's representative into an easy to understand, less than two minute video to showcase what we can do for you. Learn about our territory, stocking capabilities, savings potential and more in this quick video.
Why Hire a Rep?
The Role of an Independent Manufacturer's Representative
Choosing the Right Blade For the Job
In-House Welding Benefits
Scan above to get in touch today!
Dorian Tool Price Update
Dorian Tool has updated their pricing, effective 1/1/24.
Starrett Price Update
Starrett has updated their pricing, effect 11/1/23.
Yankee Price Update
Yankee Corp has updated their pricing, effective 3/27/23.
Dorian Tool Price Update
Dorian Tool has updated their pricing, effective 2/1/23.